
Saturday, September 27, 2003

So, yes. A few more weeks have gone by, and a few little tiny things have changed in the life of me... y'know, like my living quarters. Back at school again, and oh what a wonderful apartment we have concocted for ourselves. 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, a living room, and a kitchen. My bedroom is nothing special, especially with the "I never quite moved in" thing going on. The bathrooms, too, are less-than-spectacular, but if you're wasting time making your shitter the best shitter money can buy, you need to get out more. The kitchen and living room, however, the two places where we all congregate every morning, afternoon, and evening, are without a doubt the finest of their kind in the Cerro Vista complex(200 apartments just like ours). First, the kitchen, where we go communist-style with our eating plan(you want it, you got it). Also, Bryan(and I knew he'd do this even 3 years ago) brought a full-sized set of brand spanking new titanium cooking knives. If I ever find a need to eat my shoe, I know at least I'll have the knives to cut it. Thanks to a day-before-the-move Costco run with my parents, we are most definitely "stocked" for food at this time. The real show(pun intended), however, comes right when you open the door to good old E-201. Staring right there at you is a beee-yootiful 48" TV, complete with 5.1 surround speakers, a DVD player, and a second shelf which I'll get to in a minute. This is about as big a boob tube as can fit through the door of our apartment, and gets quite a bit more than its fair share of stares from passers-by. Now, said shelf. This is where all the action(and half of the electricity) in our apartment is. 9 consoles(some with more than one format of games), all plugged in, ranging from the lowly Atari 2600 all the way on up to the video gaming gorilla that is the XBox. Add a VCR and about 3 light years of wires, and you're set for an audiovisual treat.

Besides the room, college is, well, still college. It's always nice not being the bottom rung on the educational ladder, but that doesn't lessen the workload... in fact, it only makes it worse. In my CompSci class, I've been told that I can expect 20 hours of work a week. This doesn't include a research project in english, physics, and of course, a repeat attack on the dreaded Calculus. Gaaah. But, hey; it's only 10 weeks, right? *deranged laugh* But schoolwork is still schoolwork, and it must be done.

And finally, we come to the final college issue... PolyBemani. Not much to report here yet... nearly all of the core DDRin' group are here in Cerro Vista with me, so we keep our conversion of arrows into sweat fairly regular. No meetings yet, still in need of a weekly time, but they're coming. Oh, they're coming. And when they do....

So it's another "Oops I didn't blog again" blog. So sue me. I've had way more on my plate than I could deal with for weeks on end, and it's just not going away. With any luck, school will re-center my time, and I'll be able to get back to the things I like doing(like blogging) in a week or two. Until next time... Ciao!

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Sunday, September 07, 2003

Sittin' on my bum on my Sunday off... whee! Not much has happened in the last 48 hours, so this may be boring, but hey, it's better than nothing, yes? Lessee. Yesterday, did my work thang. Got pretty tired in the late afternoon though, started flipping syllables around... "that Grilled Stuft Burrito comes with your choice of meat, beef, sticken, or cheak." Now I want a sticken GSB. Watched a pair of movies in the last few days, Adaptation(too weird for its own good) and Traffic(crazyFunkyCool). Momma says my room is cleaner: "I can barely smell it now." Aaand the Gold Country Fair seems to think the fine folk of Auburn are still finding gold on a regular basis(we're not), and that charging MORE than the State Fair for a wristband is a good idea. Perhaps if you had more than 3 rides to ride on, this would make sense. But, until then...no. Also: if anyone is willing to sign on Kazaa(I'm decidedly RIAA-paranoid, as they got to me once on Napster already), I'm looking for a song... "Beautiful World" by Colin Hay. Lemme know if you've got a version, that'd be mucho helpful-o(see? I still know Spanish!). And with that, my wonderful little brain is running dry, as evidenced by the little squeaky sound it's making. So, until we meet again, goodnight, CyberWorld! *poot*

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Friday, September 05, 2003

GAH. Bad little blogboy, you're not posting again! Shame on me... Anyway, the last few days/weeks. DDR Mecca... I missed most of it(because Taco Bell is giving me HOURS now! WOO!), but we had fun. Tim's house is fun, and I got to see more of my SoCal homies. Inspiration/insanity struck, and three days later, Max300 double was mine. That covers that week... Birthday madness! Joe! Jeremy! Forrest! Lena! And the crew from Real Life! Marine World-y goodness. We had fun, yepyup. After that, we go to Oregon, where Forrest and I enter The Land Which Minorities Forgot and find all sorts of interesting little surprises. I want a Fred Meyer. It's the Swiss Army Shop, with a billion and one things on sale, from gas to groceries. And 3-Liter bottles of Dew! WOO! It's a party in a plastic bottle! Since the return to civilization, I've been... at work. And lots of it. Got a gift certificate for doing something good at the Taco Bell(dunno what) for $10 at(*MAJOR SHUDDER*) Wal-Mart. For the second time in my life, I entered the Realm of The Evil Smiley-Dude. The brand-new Wal-Mart in Roseville is as good as Wal-Mart can get. It had an arcade(crap games though), and I couldn't find anyone to help me. I made up a game, though: Where's Wal-Dude. It's kinda fun, until you remember where you are and just want to GET THE HECK OUT. I did my thing, and now I'm poised to go back to work tomorrow, a Saturday, at EIGHT FREAKING AM. But, money is money, and 8AM means double prizes on the cash front. WHEEEEEEEeeeee.... *snore*

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