
Sunday, September 07, 2003

Sittin' on my bum on my Sunday off... whee! Not much has happened in the last 48 hours, so this may be boring, but hey, it's better than nothing, yes? Lessee. Yesterday, did my work thang. Got pretty tired in the late afternoon though, started flipping syllables around... "that Grilled Stuft Burrito comes with your choice of meat, beef, sticken, or cheak." Now I want a sticken GSB. Watched a pair of movies in the last few days, Adaptation(too weird for its own good) and Traffic(crazyFunkyCool). Momma says my room is cleaner: "I can barely smell it now." Aaand the Gold Country Fair seems to think the fine folk of Auburn are still finding gold on a regular basis(we're not), and that charging MORE than the State Fair for a wristband is a good idea. Perhaps if you had more than 3 rides to ride on, this would make sense. But, until then...no. Also: if anyone is willing to sign on Kazaa(I'm decidedly RIAA-paranoid, as they got to me once on Napster already), I'm looking for a song... "Beautiful World" by Colin Hay. Lemme know if you've got a version, that'd be mucho helpful-o(see? I still know Spanish!). And with that, my wonderful little brain is running dry, as evidenced by the little squeaky sound it's making. So, until we meet again, goodnight, CyberWorld! *poot*

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