
Saturday, December 27, 2003

Holy freakin' crap. I just watched a good movie, played two GREAT new games, and now I'm blogging on a new keyboard(with WORKING volume dial!). It don't get much better than this, folks. This may be my last entry of 2003, so in advance: Happy New Year! That's right, I'm getting my butt down to San Diego for a few days. I'll catch y'all later!

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Thursday, December 25, 2003

Holy crap. I just found The Best Online Store Ever. If EVER FOR ANY REASON you can't think of something for me, just go here: http://store.yahoo.com/opg/index.html . ADHD Paradise.

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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Or, if you prefer: HAPPY 7TH DAY OF HANUKKAH! What a day. Brother recieved a PS2, it has been exercised repeatedly. DDRMAX2 is a fantabulous addition. Got me a buncha movies(Indy! Two Towers! Bug's Life! Fantasia2000!), a buncha games(F-Zero! Kirby! Rebel Strike!), a couple more fidgets, and various other toyz(keyboard....num). WOO! Anyway... I always love the holidays. Good times, good food, good people. We're watching Fellowship now, so's the brother can finally get started on the epic that is The Lord Of The Rings. Maybe more later!

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Sunday, December 21, 2003

Hey all! Some notes from the last week:

(See Joe's blog or my picture site): TERROR LEVEL ERNIE! WOO! YEA! GO ERNIE GO!

My picture site: Photos are being edited as we speak... it'll be a few days though, as I need to update the design. Anyone got any ideas? All thoughts are appreciated...

Napa: WOO! COUSINS! And by the way: Four year olds are wonderful... old enough for the punches to hurt, young enough not to know any better. "Love punches". FUN!

Wallet: What a difference a week makes. Between a mondo XMas present from the Napa fam, cash for odd jobs around town, and my monthly de-broke-money-getting, my wallet has about a hundred times what it had a week ago. WOO! I CAN BUY FOOD AGAIN!

If I think of anything else to say, I shall blog again. Until then, however, PEACE OUT! And watch out for Ernie!

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Monday, December 15, 2003

Popcap, you are Satan.

Noah's Ark: level 49
Rocket Mania: level 32

I challenge anyone to break those scores, in terms of both skill and the sheer about of not-having-a-life required.
In other news, my dentist-lady was cool today... my gums are "not as bad as normal". Cool! Goodness knows I'm still not brushing right, but I'm getting better..
The rest of my week is gonna be INSANE. I'm going to Sacramento, Roseville, Roseville, Chico, Oakland, and Napa. WOOHOO! AND I get my monthly de-wallet-ectomy tomorrow, so my brokeness will be counteracted for another limited time. Damnation, I do rule so very very much.

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Sunday, December 14, 2003

Well screw me in the ass. Adding up my debit card and the money in my wallet, I'm worth about $2.50 right now. No stocks, no savings, no money hidden away anywhere. Add to that the fact that I owe Bryan $50, AT&T $100, and my mom $175, and I'm never seeing the financial light of day again. Woo.

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Thursday, December 11, 2003

YARRRRR... four finals and a project down, one project to go. ALMOST DONE!
Probable results:
English: B-B+(I'm as surprised as you)
Physics:C to B+(Curves can be your friend)
CompSci:Anywhere from a D to an A. Jebus only knows what grades lurk in the eyes of Turner and Fisher.

Yesterday: went to the town with JoeJew. Spent a combined total of $600. GO TEAM SECULAR HOLIDAY! Anyone reading this, you've got a gift a-comin', and that's a promise.

My grades were, all told, Fine. Oh well. Better than I expected. Woo. Tonight, we party along with some English projecting on the side. PARTYYYYYYYY!

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Monday, December 08, 2003

Better. Feeling better. I'm just....frequently overwhelmed these days. Sorry about that. Joe, Jew, Joey:thanks for coming by. That helped. In any case, more work to do. Back here in a few days.

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What the fuck is the point?

Why the hell should I even try anymore?

I really, really don't give a fuck anymore. I'm going to fail my dumb fucking ass out of this school; it's only a matter of time. I can't do it. I can't handle this shit. I guess I'm not good enough.

I wish I had time to cry. But I have to study.

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